Current List of Program Topics and Events







Start Time

Hardy Carnivorous Plants

Mike Wicki- member


Fairfield Hills Community Center since the Meeting House has no heat!


7:00 PM

Rain Gardens

Dottie Evans-member


Evans Home: 1 Reservoir Rd. Newtown   


5:30 PM


Greg Bugsby


If the Meeting House heating issue has not yet been resolved we will meet at the Fairfield Hills Community Center


7:00 PM

Meeting House Planting

Volunteer members

 Weather dependent

Outside at the Meeting House



Water and Shade Gardens

Jan and Frank Gardner - members


Home of- 6 Surrey Trail, Sandy Hook


5:00 PM

Hypertufa Workshop

Joan Cominski-Member


Home of- 21 Ashford Lane   $5 charge per member for materials


11-1 PM

Native Plants

Several Speaker Options under consideration


Waiting on response for availability


7:00 PM

Pot Luck & Annual Meeting

Annual Election of Officers and member discussion of Garden Triumphs

Meeting House reserved, hopefully heating is working

Meeting House


7:00 PM

Holiday Party

 Members and their guests




 Water and Shade Garden June 9th, 2022  Event at the home of Jan and Frank Gardner

A spectacular setting  that included wildlife, a pond, waterfalls, hosta, fish, ducks plus people and great food/drinks.  What a delight to walk and experience this serene paradise at Jan and Franks. 

Rain Gardens May 2022 at Dottie and John Evans

Our Rain Garden Event at Dottie and John Evan’s earlier this month was a well-attended lovely time for all!  But for the first time ever, we had no leftovers and those that arrived a bit late found little left to forage! Some people forgot to tell us they were coming or to bring something to share. These member-hosted events are a special treat and our hosts should know how many are coming and what they are bringing so that we have sufficient food and drink for all. 

 Friday Dec 10th, 2021 Annual Holiday Party

Place: Armando’s Restaurant-Bethel CT

Time: 6:30pm Buffet Dinner and beverages and Cash Bar

Fee: $30 per person, Guests welcome 

There will be a formal meeting to Vote on New Slate of Officers and other Business.  Afterword we will enjoy a warm and delicious Buffet Dinner and dessert. 

So, let’s all join in and get dressed up and enjoy our members and friends and take a break during the busy holiday season and be Merry! 


November meeting:  Gardens Visited by Tammara and Mark

Another great meeting as Tammara and Mark shared their experiences with gardens this summer. The club had a tour of Innisfree  in May and a beautiful slide show was presented by Tammara. Be sure to make a visit there.

Mark shared his experience of growing orchids by hanging them on his deck.  So much fun to learn about orchids behavior and see their beauty. Mark also answered gardening related questions.

Joan shared wonderful plants for the group to bring home and enjoy while Dottie baked her delicious huckleberry muffins.

See you in December at our annual holiday party, please rsvp asap.  

Happy Thanksgiving!


Thursday, October 14th 2021, 7:00 pm, Annual Meeting 

Program:  Annual Meeting and Craft Project

Presenters:  Tammara Schriefer -President

Fee:  Free to Members, and guests only

  • The year in review

  • Vote on Holiday Party

  • Election of Officers 

  • Review of Club Financials and 2022 Dues

  • Holiday Card making Craft


Due to continued Covid protocol unvaccinated members and guest must wear a mask. The club will provide individually wrapped snacks and Beverages to share. After all Annual business and election of Officers is completed, we eat and enjoy making our holiday project. 

Annual meeting Oct. 14th + Making pressed fern cards with Paula Toi

 Our budget was distributed, the annual holiday party plans were discussed but more importantly  Tamarra will be stepping down as President.  Anyone who is interested in stepping forward to hold this position along with a VP and secretary please let Tamarra know if you are interested asap.

Paula did a presentation on making fern cards which was a big hit.  The cards turned out beautiful!

Take a peak..... 


September 9th:

Time:    6:00 pm for an outdoor meeting. It was necessary to change the time due the days becoming shorter. If raining , the time will remain at 7:00pm.
Where: 175 Wishconier Rd, Brookfield CT (if not raining)
              In the event of rain, the Meeting House in Newtown

A notification will be sent at 5:00 pm on September 9th as to the confirmed location.
We realize that this is a bit unusual, however, we are really hoping for an outdoor meeting this month.
Happy gardening!
Topic:    Mark Kokinchak of Planter’s Choice and a member of the Horticulture Club will         provide a presentation on the use of Native Plants in your garden.
Date:     Thursday September 9, 2021 
Time:     7:00 pm
Where:  The gardens of Tammara McMahon Schreifer
       175 Whisconier Rd, Brookfield CT. (Parking at St Pauls, across the street)
         Please bring a chair, we will socially distance and masks will be                     optional since this venue is outside.

        In the event of rain, the meeting will be held at the Meeting House in                   Newtown. Masks will be required for all in attendance at this location  regardless of vaccination status.

Notes:    Consistent with the state of CT current COVID protocol, there will be no  shared food.  The club will provide beverages and individually wrapped snacks.

Friday August 6th starting at 5pm till dark.  
If it Rains it will be on Sat the 7th at 5pm.
9th Annual Pick & Picnic
Place: The Victory Garden, at Fairfield Hills, Newtown, CT.
Program: Volunteering in the Garden and a picnic supper to follow
Fee: Free and open to members, guests and the public
Join us for a wonderful summer’s evening weeding and watering in the
Victory Garden at Fairfield Hills. This is chance to spend some time
volunteering in the garden, see what is growing and how other clubs and
individuals grow their organic vegetables that are shared with those in need
in the community.
After a little work in the garden we will enjoy a potluck dinner and the
amazing sunset views there.
Bring a friend, your gloves, hand tools, a chair, and something yummy to
share with everyone. CDC Covid regulation apply.


Thursday June 10th , 2021, 5-7pm
Program: Pollinator-perfect Gardens

Presenter: Michele MacKinnon – AMG and Author
Fee: Free to members and guest of members.
Place:  Newtown Meeting house, lower level the venue from Tammara’s garden to the meeting house has been switched due to weather, so see you at the Newtown Meeting House.

Michele MacKinnon is a garden consultant, Advanced
Master Gardener, garden writer and speaker. She will share
tips for picking the right plants and using planting methods
that result in pollinator-perfect gardens. With these tips every
gardener can help reverse insect decline and support
pollinator health.   
Michele’s talks and articles have inspired hundreds of area
residents to dig in, get dirty, and enjoy their gardens in the
past several years. As a UCONN-certified Advanced Master
Gardener and a CT NOFA Accredited Organic Land Care
Professional, she is a trusted expert with a “growing"
When she’s not digging in the dirt, Michele digs deeper into
gardening through ongoing classes, lectures, podcasts,books, webinars, and garden tours.

Michele MacKinnon is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Hort Club of Newtown - Zoom Meeting
Time: Jun 10, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 883 6421 3671
Passcode: 781091
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Meeting ID: 883 6421 3671
Passcode: 781091

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2020 Meetings
Free to Members and the Public:

Oct. 1, 2020
Virtual Zoom meeting on Lawn Care by Pamm Cooperwill be held on Thursday Oct 1st at 5pm.  Open to members only.

CANCELLED will be rescheduled at a later date
March 12th Newtown Horticulture Club Meeting - The Meeting House at 7 pm.

Melanie Boyer, Farmer and Sister to Newtown Horticulture Club member Bridgette Shaffer, is the author of an intriguing new garden book called Composting.
Melanie will give a presentation on the virtues and process of composting. She will demonstrate samples of the compost process from beginning to end, with the final product ready to use in gardens. Melanie will discuss her new book, and sign all copies sold that evening. Members will 
receive a $10.00 discount on the purchase of her book, Composting.

(Planting Impatiens at the Meeting House in Newtown, CT)

We are looking for 5 volunteers to help with planting and sprucing up the flower beds. We're considering meeting on Wednesday, May 20th at 1 pm, and we will of course practice social distancing and any other measures to ensure utmost safety. 

If you'd like to participate, please contact Tammara McMahon, our club president.

Annaul pick and picnic, Victory Garden, 7/10/2020
Hello Members,

It has been a very long time since we have had a meeting and we are so glad that the state of CT is improving and reducing its Covid-19 cases and has opened the state in Phase II.  Phase II allows for outside gatherings to take place with up to 50 people.  So, we are going ahead and holding our Annual Pick and Picnic this Friday at the Victory Garden.  (see details below).  To keep our social distance, I ask that everyone bring a folding chair, and of course a face mask, and if you do not feel well please do not attend!

Due to these circumstances I ask to PLEASE RSVP if you are attending, so we have a head count for the evening event.  

The club will provide the paper goods and beverages as usual, and if you wish to bring something to share; I ask that you package it in a safe way for others before bringing, or bring store made items.  If you do not wish to share please bring your own picnic food for yourself. 

There are tools in the shed, and rows will be marked where volunteers need assistance with their row.  

I am really looking forward to our first meeting of the year, and seeing all of you again.  I really, really hope that if you are healthy and able you will attend the meeting.  I will have yearbooks for those who never got one, and hopefully we maybe able to reschedule some of our events for later this year.

Again, please RSPV to me or Karen so we have a head count, I HOPE TO SEE AS MANY OF YOU AS POSSIBLE THERE!

P.S. The Weather looks to be nice and cooler on Friday evening, perfect for a night outdoors.   

Thank you!

Tammara Schriefer-President
203-733-4670 (text or call for RSVP)

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